Monday, December 7, 2009

Pregnancy Burst Capillaries

plastic Union, Brussels

the Place Flagey Yesterday dawned with a new art form: plastic between banks, by binding as an intervention that saw not long ago in Flowers in the Attic . I do not know who will work, but the "original" is Cedric Bernadotte or at least is the best known artist. You can see more photos on Flickr

His work aims to create a short-lived seat in places where it is expected, thanks to the tape of emb wing or plastic wrap pallets of work . What can be seen yet (I hope) on the Place Flagey is inspired by the same, but the impact is ma s small. Flagey is a huge gap in order to allow the highest number of events (commercial) possible, which I've criticized several times, so there is not much support to grip with plastic years.

At least that is good about the place, is that much interest. The other day I saw some girls by placing pieces of zeal in the horizontal slats of the parking (which incidentally is not yet opened) by a writing that says "this is no longer a work."
over a year ago for the opening of the plaza, but the car still stalled (n UNCA rather with the flooded river that goes under) and change the furniture is already deteriorating.

still do not know how they have managed to load the stone bench ... because to let the water from freezing and cracking ... someone has to crack ... "poor quality stone ... mmmm?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Age Does Wic Stop Giving Formula

statement in defense of the fundamental rights of internet

Given the government's recent legislative moves español, los periodistas, bloggers, usuarios, profesionales y creadores de internet manifestamos nuestra firme oposición al proyecto, y declaramos que…
1.- Los derechos de autor no pueden situarse por encima de los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos , como el derecho a la privacidad, a la seguridad, a la presunción de inocencia, a la tutela judicial efectiva y a la libertad de expresión.

2.- La suspensión de derechos fundamentales es y debe seguir siendo competencia exclusiva del poder judicial . Ni un cierre sin sentencia. Este anteproyecto, en contra de lo establecido en el artículo 20.5 de la Constitución, pone en manos de un órgano no judicial -un organismo under the Ministry of Culture, the power to prevent English citizens access to any website. 3 .-

The new legislation will create legal uncertainty around the English technology sector , damaging one of the few areas of development and future of our economy, hindering the creation of enterprises by introducing barriers to competition and slowing its international. 4 .-

The new proposed legislation threatens the creativity and hinder cultural creation. With The Internet and new technologies have democratized the creation and issuance of contents of any kind, no longer come predominantly from the traditional cultural industries, but from many different sources. 5 .-

Authors, like all workers are entitled to live out of their creative ideas, business models and activities associated with their creations . Trying to hold legislative changes to an outdated industry that can adapt to this new environment is neither fair nor realistic. If your business model is based on the control of the copies of the works and the Internet is not possible without violating fundamental rights, should find another model. 6 .-

believe that cultural industries need to survive modern alternatives, effective, credible and affordable to suit new social practices , rather than limitations so disproportionate as to be ineffective in that they are pursuing. 7 .-

Internet should function freely and without interference from groups that seek to perpetuate outdated business models and make it impossible human knowledge remains free.

8 .- We urge the Government to guarantee the neutrality of the law in Spain Network, to any pressure that may occur as a framework for developing a sustainable economy for the future. 9 .-

propose a real reform of property rights oriented intellectual end: return to the society of knowledge, promote the public domain and limit abuses of management entities.

10 .- In a democracy, laws and amendments should be adopted after due debate and consultation with all parties involved. It is unacceptable that legislative changes are made that affect fundamental rights in a non-organic law and deals with other matters.

Image and text taken Bad Times for poetry, although it could be any blog because the news is taking enough eco ...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

2009 Chevrolet Stingray Price


This post has been taken with permission from the blog of my friend Tomas Fernandez.

Touch an item on a possible, as we say in Creole, "Winning scapular indulgence of others." I invite you to read it and if they want to do it the original source for forming your own opinion about

Usurpation of office or failure of a serious magazine

In the new issue of Gourmet OD, find a story that speaks of the great pastry chefs in the country with the title "THE MASTERS OF DESSERT" I found an excellent initiative for this special issue of Ocean Drive magazine, as I believe that in our country there is a good number of these professionals dedicated to sugar management, the masses, fruits and countless amounts of ingredients make our palates have the perfect ending a perfect evening, the last memory that we all have a meal every time we end up with the magic touch of these professionals, all luxury here, the thing transforms from a not so nice when speaking of the Restaurant Le Gourmet, which had the joy and honor to take the reins until December 2008 and to have the great honor of sharing with one of the professional the bakery that deserves all the respect and reverence as it is possible Wilmer Mantilla Pastry Chef Polo Restaurant Le Gourmet, which I believe has won each of its merits (gallons, stars etc.) with the constant work and work of ant the plays there, so far as baker put Mr. Elias Murciano, I dare say with all responsibility that has no idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the bakery, or respect for Pastry Chef, usurping their place in OD this edition of Gourmet. Do not know who to blame that if Mr. Elias Murciano or Ocean Drive magazine, but someone has to make responsible for this lack of respect for the GREAT pastry Wilmer Mantilla Polo. That
someone to be responsible for this!
Each of these desserts are the creation of the Wilmer Mantilla Pastry Polo

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Love My Husband In Panties Girdle

Venezuela Tomas Fernandez Cup Champion of the Americas

Bartending In A Strip Club

Culinary Cooking Classes

We are pleased to announce the opening of registration for the Level I course professional kitchen offer space Gourmet Cooking School and Club , the only cooking school in the area that is attached to the Venezuelan Association of Chefs, cooks and the like, accepted as a member of the Chefs Association of Ecuador and backup and Applied Health Certification Professional Service Food Pan-American Forum Culinary Professionals and Culinary Universal Technical Certification endorsed by the World Association of Chefs Societies.

As this is the last cohort that will begin this year, we have three different schedules to suit your availability:

  • Sabatino between 8:30 am and 1:30 pm

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8: 30 am and 11:30 am

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm

The course can accommodate only 12 people and a duration of 12 weeks per level.
The Saturday courses begin on 26 September other courses on Tuesday 29 September.

During this level I will be taught the basic techniques of cutting and cooking, as well as safety and hygiene and food handling. Being a highly practical course will start cooking in the second class. Each student has their own workstation.

The registration fee for the course is Bs.F. 600, additionally are four installments, the first in conjunction with registration, the second, third and fourth installments in weeks 3, 6 and 9 respectively. Each share is Bs.F. 600.

Each student has a personal workstation, you will receive material support of recipes, all raw materials for making them.
must bring a Filipina, apron, hat kitchen, a container to take the dishes to prepare if you do not eat at school at the end, a chef knife, a knife, a sharpening steel and a vegetable peeler.

Any additional information we will be glad to provide it at our headquarters in Anzoátegui Avenue, between Ppal. The Dairy and street apamate, Qta. "Customs 41", near Dairy Super Pets. Our phone numbers 2873263 / 2822925 / 0414 2059389 / 0414 2056756.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Standard Email Confidentiality Statement

queVea He who has eyes and ears to hear Miguel Angel

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Alpha Kappa Alpha Intake Process

article Dinner

(Reviewed by Miguel Angel Nieto fully share)
NO DEMAND TO THE LEADERS THAT WE DO NOT HACEMOS.Carajo Venezuelans, shame we are taking will give us not worth the newsprint we're doing at home and abroad, will not we realize how serious the situation is that we have not thought that hell can we tell our children when this DICTATORSHIP on forever and they would claim that zipote did to prevent it, is that I say with great aplomb, and we do not pelábamos news of events by Globovisión, and then when it and we lose, it was very late to react. My dear friends, I care little if someone is offended by the 4 truths that today I must say, overall I do not mind not to shit, or for half measures or for diplomatic phrases, or to sweeten arrechera and shame I feel today , so do you want to read me, and no, tranquil keep doing like an ostrich, bury your head that the system eventually will handle 3 meters below ground bury what we lack, but as they will with the conscience ?, this is not silent, that is eternal and is a thousand times stronger than my words of anger this morning, read it: At approximately 8 pm on Friday, we learned of the closure of 34 radio stations, for the egregious crime of not being affected, and muscle-flexing of the regime, after some hurried meeting at 12 pm I approached with some friends at NBC, 102.3, the same signal retransmitted Alo city, there began the dream clash with reality, I dreamed of hundreds of Venezuelans get me outraged by this brazen and cunning crime against freedom, but, unlike us in the strictest privacy of the family, there was, the Mayor of Caracas Richard White, the horse of a thousand battles, Oscar Perez, Agustin Berrios, Christopher Hernández son, and finally the same old faces, as a small family hoping that the scheme be closed to CNB, there we stayed until late at night, worried about what is already looming as a dark day for Venezuela, (ONE MORE OF THE HUNDREDS THAT WE HAVE LIVED AND MISSING FOR LIVING), the weather was thick, there arrived Rico, Pedro Luis flowers and sympathetic Marion Reyes, was notable concern for the poor attendance, the rest of the media only Globovisión, as always, at the foot of the canyon, some optimists hoped that with the dawn situation would vary, and go that varied, but not in attendance but in results, the 7y43 AM, the regime killed at CNB 102.3 artfully, and here comes the reason is that the title of my paper, how many times we have not complained about the attitude of our leaders, and today I discovered that the problem is not the leaders, the problem is this comfortable and cowardly people, who hopes that others will do what they do not are capable of doing, there were as always Ledezma, Ramón Muchacho, Graterón, Blida, Andrés Velásquez, and some others, and fought with firmness, and so came via highway to Conatel about hundreds of Venezuelans who, if they understand their commitment and does not require others as they are not capable of doing, then again at night vigil in CNB, as at funerals, but the problem is that the dead are not NBC, not the other 33 stations, Friends is not the crime against freedom, against democracy and against Venezuela, which is slowly dying without reaching the necessary and only medicine that can cure this cancer called communism (MEDICINE IS PEOPLE IN THE STREET), hopefully before it is too late to apply a consistently large dose of medicine mentioned above, because if someone in your naivete does not know, (NO so blind as those who will not see), it was Friday's Globe test to go in the coming days against the Crown Jewels, the most precious trophy that dream this infernal regime (Globovisión HEAD). So, by God Venezolanos, once and for all understand that the country belongs to everyone, therefore the responsibility of all, we are all leaders, we must all support the cause of freedom, without delay, but we do, get ready to shed blood and tears of shame, when one night we dream with Father of the Nation, Simón Bolívar tell us very firmly: VENEZUELA CARAJO, "MORI FOR NOTHING."

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mucus Blood 2 Weeks After Period

Today we woke up with the boot of censorship, pressing her face and mouth in the most blatant possible. Last night the "public works minpopo" Tsar DC, announced the names of the first 34, read it FIRST, leaving the air stations. And in this country horchata blood nothing has happened more than that, another episode or rather a link in the chain with which we have begun long ago to tie in a very clever way, in this case as announcing a Friday night, where the resilience of Venezuela is completely depleted, as it starts this weekend and just think of the bunch, fun, beach, apart from a large group that are on vacation forget the stress of the country, but also forgetting future of their families. What will tell you when to return next school year will get a new Education Law passed by the flock of the AN. He will tell his sons and daughters, on future not defended because they prefer the comfort that others decide for them and defend what ultimately it's up to everyone. This law no one knows, except members of the NA. The adopted when missing bit for the recess, a Friday night to dilute its impact and people get that wall stars reflect the return of its rich vacation or semana.Esperemos to time by the adoption of this law, by the systematic closure of stations, by the law of "media crimes", all of which shall be approved by the complicity of some media heads down and adapt to the situation to keep the grant, which may not be more than enzalzar the leader because but will be closed. Miguel Angel Quevedo How many have in the country? Today is definitely another day ... the day after ... the day of no return ... they cut across all borders to destroy freedom of thought and expression .... .. and the worst are immobile.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Need The Newest Proxies

Nieto Pro José Angel

Our good friend Shirley Carrillo, is in need of your help and your little José Angel has an urgent need that if you put a grain of sand on our part can help to resolve it.

For that, this brotherhood of chefs has been formed from the case of Carlos Garcia's father, has decided again make a dinner on Monday 03 pro bottoms and on Tuesday 04 August in Caracas.

They can also double-click on the picture to have complete information.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pilladas En La Calle Full Movie

Funds Certification Course Pan American Forum Professional Culinary Associations

During the days 22 and 23 June, we had the honor and pleasure for the completion of the Certificate Course in Management, sponsored by the Pan American Forum & Professional Culinary Associations Asochefs Venezuela, to have as a Pastry Chef Instructor at Basteguieta Otoniel Castro, a certified International Instructor.

Othniel, Guatemala, came to serve as facilitator in this course, which provided much more than required by the Forum and is a summary of his success as a business owner chain Tulips in Guatemala City. His people skills and experience allow you to communicate your knowledge in an environment without a doubt excellent.

This program is allowing us a number of professionals in Venezuela, making the International Certification under the auspices of Asochefs Venezuela. At this time we are five professionals in the country (Nora Muñoz, María Elena Conde, Yelitza Acosta, Sergio Arango and Freddy Muñoz-Aguiar) we have completed all required courses are:
  • Health and Food Handling (HACCP)
  • Science and Art of Culinary Preparations
  • Nutrition and Dietetics for Chefs
  • Management
We thank you from this space to Asochefs Venezuela for having supported this certification and of course all the FPACP facilitators devoted to this country.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Letter Of Completion Of Service Hours

Second Edition "Only the best" 22 and May 23

II EDITION "ONLY THE BEST" For the second consecutive year will take place in room Naiguatá Tamanaco Intercontinental Hotel in Caracas, the Second International Exhibition Premium Wine, "Only the Best", with the support and experience of "Wine Takes Caracas", which for five consecutive years has been a successful meeting of experts and amateurs in the field.

This sample is maintained and driven by journalist Vladimir specialized in the subject Viloria and is intended as "a meeting of importers and distributors of wine making commercial life in Venezuela in order to expose and sample the best of the wine offer present in Venezuela.

The ultimate goal is to bring, enhance and strengthen the moderate consumption of wine, without losing sight of its close relationship with the cuisine and the restaurant world. "Exposure provides for the presence of all the distributors that allow wines from Argentina, Uruguay, Australia, Chile, Venezuela, Spain, France and Portugal, in the domestic market. Provides exposure for your tasting of champagnes, sparkling wines, ports, and most of the major appellations of origin such as Toro, La Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Rias Baixas, Penedès, Tuscan, Barolo, Barbaresco, Duoro, Dao, Alentejo, Bordeaux, Burgundy, Rhone.

The tour of the various committees is glass in hand. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis tour for the palate, as its name suggests involved only the best wines from each house. There will be updates and new crops conocidos.De wine and 04:00 pm to 11:00 pm, the public will have access to the event, upon termination at the box office for tasting at a cost of Bs 160 that includes a glass of fine gift. For more information call the Tlfs. 0212-9777721 0416-6307105

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chelsea Charms Creast


This Saturday we had the opportunity to teach a course at our headquarters in tempura.
There are photos of what was done by students.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Nadine Jensen Bondage, Tied Up

Course Days of membership and identity cards

The Association of Chefs, Cooks and Allied Workers of Venezuela, announced that perform a day of registration and identity cards on Tuesday, April 28 between 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm at its headquarters in Caracas, located at Av Maripérez Ppal of cooking school in "La Casserole du Chef" The third group

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Animal Print Wrapping Paper

Third Basic Course


Friday, April 10, 2009

Telescope Adapter For Panasonic Dmc Fz7

Sushi Participants in the course of the Sushi

Sushi Chef Instructor Lara Edwar