a couple weeks ago I was in the third match of Group Architecture . The encounter was so intense and full of content, which cost me a bit to recover, given that I r ecuperado work rhythm ...

to explain that the meeting would copy the text Input: " is a meeting open to any citizen wanting to influence from the reflection and / or the practice of collective construction of the habitat. Understanding the 'habitat' c sa complex entity that combines, among other aspects of construction, landscape, social, cultural, environmental, cultural and technological developments, which give rise to multi-disciplinary approaches " .

is a meeting of groups working in the construction of a ar ed to share experiences, collaborate and construct a different reality in the world rtÃsti co, architectural and cultural associations. The list of groups that presented their work is very extensive, including Urban Recipes , Straddle3 , Todo por la Praxis , M-etxea ... I invite you to read the rest from the list on the page, and the participants. At the end everybody was doing something interesting, exposed or not. The question of the day was "what about you what group are you?" is that in this case was the order of the day have a blog, be a group or being stuck several at once. But the interesting thing is that in the end feel, but are not part of you at a particular group, namely the fact that many people doing the same thing as you, but in different ways, giving lots of energy and desire to do more.

I was acting as ex-member team of Operators of space or public assemble This is a place in origin, but as I am no longer active, I could not explain everything new that is being done and will be in future. Pass the blog to stay current, much and very good to come! I try to follow him cerquita ... Now I'm going around to various projects for Brussels (hence the delay in the blog) and the number of examples I've met, the ideas boiling in my head!

Among the various topics of workshops, which attracted me was the workshop on participatory planning because it is the theme I developed in my dissertation. The idea was to work on c Hiria Kolektiboa over the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bay of Pasajes, where the ship was the encounter, and understand the problem of the current situation from the standpoint of the citizen. Attended several debates between citizens and politicians, gave a around the area and organized a day of celebration and abut neighbors, the Eguna Badia, which treated us magnificently, with sardines, ham (and thus miss him here ...) and temporary pools installed in the middle of the plaza de Herrera.

comantarios I have yet to write about the workshop meeting on the blog and post pictures , although I have many in my flickr account . And that's going Architecture Group, is a workshop and is now a meeting and you're done. Is a network that must continue to grow, collaborate and build a new form of city. To do this we have to keep feeding the page of the meeting. And continue counting from there.
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