Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Refillable Air Duster Compressed Air

Awards Blogging Workshop with household waste lamps, Brussels Workshop

During the one-week workshop that we des Arro oped with children 5 to 8 years, we have been talking about the importance not only to reuse cans Household cans, and cartons as a toy, and in this case lamps, but also to reduce the num m ber of waste. We have explained to children, with images of landfills and areas ot ras in vadidad rubbish, the difference between reuse, recycle and reduce .
But we also teach them that solutions are being used to reuse the bottles. Our idea for the workshop was to create light from what we hide, of which we remain to see, what we throw away.

Each day we worked a material. So, we started with coffee cans as bedside table that makes stars on the ceiling. Curre me the holes with hammer and nails ... relying on the drawings that the children had made and stuck to the can. The stickers gave a touch of color to the cans during the day.

then recovered boxes and egg cartons, cut into pieces to make then colored flowers and strung on wires to make a big common lamp. At the end add funds Coke bottles, Perrier and others, much like its flowers. The result was very good, especially in the place the place for the final exhibition.

also drilled the cartons of milk, but this time were the children themselves with pins, to make shapes that then hid the brick lining of white paper, so that they were surprised to turn on the light!

Finally, the plastic bottles. Some served to several houses, with windows cut out and painted roofs and other assemblers to make the "monster" that would attack the city.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Can I Make Sweet Popcorn With A Popcorn Machine


Yes ... after a few years in Aranjuez where we have been increasingly expanding our personal and professional activities we have decided to close our local dual spaces on the street .... Barracks 86, Aranjuez

continue with all our professional activities and you can contact us on the phones and emails that I put below. Only the shop is not open to Aranjuez.

berkano.ARK ... study of architecture and urbanism

amalgam primordialis_ ... design, graphic design and visual communication

architecture workshops for children
de www.talleres arquitectura.blogspot.com

Stillman. ... music photography poetry
stillme.art @ gmail.com

And for all mobile activities are: 91.891.65.99 and 645.21.38.03
I will keep reporting
of developments in our respective pages because this blog will disappear soon. Only

to thank all the designers, whose listing on the left you can see the blog, your confidence in us and wish him well in his good work and continue with forces in the difficult path of design.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yahoo Games Rocket Mania

household waste lamps, Brussels

This week I will be giving a workshop at the School of Fine Arts Brussels, with children 6 to 9 years, so pretty ocupadilla. We will reuse homemade boats: plastic bottles, milk cartons, cans, to make lamps. As I can put the pictures here and on flickr!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Employment Confidentiality Clause

collective Architectures, San Sebastian

a couple weeks ago I was in the third match of Group Architecture . The encounter was so intense and full of content, which cost me a bit to recover, given that I r ecuperado work rhythm ...

to explain that the meeting would copy the text Input: " is a meeting open to any citizen wanting to influence from the reflection and / or the practice of collective construction of the habitat. Understanding the 'habitat' c sa complex entity that combines, among other aspects of construction, landscape, social, cultural, environmental, cultural and technological developments, which give rise to multi-disciplinary approaches " .

is a meeting of groups working in the construction of a ar ed to share experiences, collaborate and construct a different reality in the world rtísti co, architectural and cultural associations. The list of groups that presented their work is very extensive, including Urban Recipes , Straddle3 , Todo por la Praxis , M-etxea ... I invite you to read the rest from the list on the page, and the participants. At the end everybody was doing something interesting, exposed or not. The question of the day was "what about you what group are you?" is that in this case was the order of the day have a blog, be a group or being stuck several at once. But the interesting thing is that in the end feel, but are not part of you at a particular group, namely the fact that many people doing the same thing as you, but in different ways, giving lots of energy and desire to do more.

I was acting as ex-member team of Operators of space or public
assemble This is a place in origin, but as I am no longer active, I could not explain everything new that is being done and will be in future. Pass the blog to stay current, much and very good to come! I try to follow him cerquita ... Now I'm going around to various projects for Brussels (hence the delay in the blog) and the number of examples I've met, the ideas boiling in my head!

Among the various topics of workshops, which attracted me was the workshop on participatory planning because it is the theme I developed in my dissertation. The idea was to work on c Hiria Kolektiboa over the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bay of Pasajes, where the ship was the encounter, and understand the problem of the current situation from the standpoint of the citizen. Attended several debates between citizens and politicians, gave a around the area and organized a day of celebration and abut neighbors, the Eguna Badia, which treated us magnificently, with sardines, ham (and thus miss him here ...) and temporary pools installed in the middle of the plaza de Herrera.
colored flags placed in each neighborhood
comantarios I have yet to write about the workshop meeting on the blog and post pictures
, although I have many in my flickr account . And that's going Architecture Group, is a workshop and is now a meeting and you're done. Is a network that must continue to grow, collaborate and build a new form of city. To do this we have to keep feeding the page of the meeting. And continue counting from there.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How To Help Someone Face Physical Pain

Delivery Gourmet space Certified

with the permission of Queen Diego http://www.enoriente.com/
Delivery certificates of completion and approval of course dictated Area Professional Chefs Culinary, Cooking School and Club, Dairy, Anzoátegui state. Unable to attend
José Alejandro Natera and Richard Medina.
I am immensely proud of them all, some of which have already begun the process of professional certification Pan American Forum Professional Culinary Associations, which is hosted in the country by the Association of Chefs, Cooks and Allied Workers of Venezuela.
Carmen Marín

Carmen Morillo
Celestino Zamora

Claudia Retamal

Dinorath Weisz

Diony Sanabria

Gledys López

Jennifer Garcia

José Antonio Salegui

Julio Cesar Diaz

Mariamar Hernández

Racing Milagros

Patricia Fuentes

Ymara Hernández

Zulay Aguilera

Penn Racquetballs Guarantee

Certification Course in Nutrition and Dietetics Courses

Certification Course (Module of Nutrition and Dietetics) Pan American Forum Professional Culinary Associations, sponsored by the Association of Chefs, Cooks and related Venezuela. This time will be held in two cities: Valencia and Dairy (Puerto La Cruz). They are only thirty seats. Those wishing to take the course in Dairy can contact Freddy Muñoz Aguiar CIC The prerequisite is to be entered in the Association of Chefs.
can deposit in the CC # 0102 0660 09 0000010553 of Freddy Muñoz Aguiar at the Bank of Venezuela.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Happens Ifvigamox Bottlegets Heated

20 Blogs

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You have to have registered a blog contest to vote, but at least you can help to see new posts, and some who do not know.

luck to all participants.