Shortly after New York and Costa Rica, I was in Turin, l a city of my family. The truth is that lately I have not stopped, so I have both re Traso with Articles Links must be found.

the weekend I was coincided with the feast of the Environment. I do not know if it or simply because the weather was good, but I saw many people on bicycles and s around the Po River. first thing I visited was the area of \u200b\u200b" The Crocetta." I was surprised to see some play areas for children from both block of flats. The appearance was ba stant sadder than the playgrounds of New York, but the fact that no cars ubiera h the games was extended on the asphalt, giving the area a more improvised character.

then spent by the University, with large green areas and graffiti care. But I went quickly because a university on Sunday (free people) not funny ...

During the trip I saw several types of sidewalks, stone, asphalt (As in New York) and even grass.

Approaching the river Po, I see activity on a sunny Sunday, but also by the party of the Environment, had canoe races. edges of the river were filled with booths, "murazzi" are called, that were originally stands for ission approved of goods through the river, and 10 years ago were transformed to welcome the public Torino and tourists. local people now wonder if you are not missing a bit the charming character of area, inspired by the remodeling of the Seine in Paris, to promote tourism.

Entering the space center Vittorio Veneto, the most important, I noticed a large central void of the plaza and the arches that were full of people walking and taking advantage of antique market. These are the things that Jan Gehl analyzed in his book "humanization of space" (Life Between buildings ): how people appropriate the urban spaces, in particular, how they prefer to be at the edges of squares orbservar to that happens, instead of in the center and be seen. Of course, in this square things change at night and during public events, is filled to the brim!

Another of the places I visited is the Valdo Fusi, the square of contention. The design of this plaza came a contest will be discussed with the residents and came out winning the draft Topotek . But that was done was to Buro Kiefer, the least liked. Take impartiality! Why always just talking about places in discord? is that public space is generated, we must face ell o. (real image left Topotek draft right)

A associa ation is c defendant shortly after the remodeling inaurgurar 2005, to protest the project and the selection process, and try to propose something new. Is in Italian and English, but you can watch some of that goes to the track. There are other ways to explain the different plans for the plaza, as the alternative page Stalker. In others, there's even a skatepark .

Finally, I leave you with several photos of people on bicycles. I would think that this happens only on Sundays the environment ...
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