Having seen the horrors of Madrid granite in their plans forces I passed the green oasis E This is a square. The land appropriated by the group "operator of public space" that formed part from the orgies, is changing at an incredible speed. Primarily, and luckily, in terms of its participants.

Best of all is that it has achieved the involvement of neighbors and not as neighbors in the project. Gather every Sunday to water, breakfast, discuss progress, get water and if they can be also among mana is to irrigate more. I, not to live in Madrid, sent my father every Sunday, which does not even live in Lavapies. So all that is anime is welcome!
I leave you with photos that you may see the change. Stopping by the blog and participate!
addition, Sunday is May 30 opening party. Everyone bring water (for water) and snacks. And remember:
If you want to collaborate in this way or another (in the preparation of food, enabling space, etc..) Do not stop spending this Sunday This is a Plaza and comment or write an email with your ideas or suggestions s . Mail: estaesunaplaza@gmail.com

I leave you with photos that you may see the change. Stopping by the blog and participate!
addition, Sunday is May 30 opening party. Everyone bring water (for water) and snacks. And remember:
If you want to collaborate in this way or another (in the preparation of food, enabling space, etc..) Do not stop spending this Sunday This is a Plaza and comment or write an email with your ideas or suggestions s . Mail: estaesunaplaza@gmail.com

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