I have many items delay itself, in order to pick up the pace, I'll go a bit and then I will return to the articles on the trip from New York and Costa Rica.

nothing more sv olver trip took place in Brussels on parade Zinneke Parade. The name comes from the Senne, the river that s Brussels and is today almost piping t period, but that ran through the neighborhoods of greater immigration.

in full i ng, the name to become synonymous with multiculturalism. With the original idea, theater groups, neighborhood groups and schools came together to cre ar a single parade, with or No single theme, but with several ways of interpreting it.

Today, the parade is gaining adherents and my neighborhood, Ixelles, involved with the project of "mobile kitchens" of which I have spoken ... or I'll do it! (What delays ...) I could participate at the beginning of construction, but not in the end, as it was not. So the intrigue for me was even more ... (here start the photos "zinnode" or group of Ixelles district)

The different groups (some more and with more experience experience than others) had "chariots" of incredible parade. Ours, more focused on the utility of the kitchen to cook and feed people pancakes during the parade, were less spectacular, is but very cool!

Here I leave with the photos of others.

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