I went to see the installation Kaisin Charles Place has done ... and I invesitago Poelaert un poco por mi cuenta.

El artista que la ha realizado es en realidad un arquite cto reconvertido en designer gracias al Royal College of Art de Londres, entre otras cosas. Este diseñador, reutiliza en sus obras materiales existentes para transformarlos en otra cosa, como su bolsa de la compra hecha a partir de bolsas de plástico fundidas. En esta ocasión, ha utilizado cajas de fruta del mercado para crear árboles, en un espacio bruselense bastante frío (que no es realmente una plaza, sino un residuo que funciona como mirador).
He leído en artículos de prensa que la work is made from "fruit boxes and have qu in the transport of fruit, which usually end up in the trash. To make their trees, the artist has used more than 5000" I can not confirm whether you have actually served boxes such transport ... seem too clean! but the idea is good.
What I do not understand is the relationship with their sponsor ... Hugo Boss. The idea is that for every bottle of perfume you buy, the company pledges to plant a tree, covered an area of \u200b\u200b800 hectares. But the relationship with the trees do not have much to do, is like an advertising campaign. 
I do not want to say without being sure that what Hugo Boss is here "greenwash" , or a bit like washing your hands with environmental awareness. Greenwash is a term used to describe the practice of certain companies, to put a spin on the presentation of your products or services to make them look like environmentally friendly. However, this change is merely formal and not substantive so becomes a misleading use of green marketing.

What I mean is that we must distinguish clearly between money spent on an intervention such as this for planting trees and money spent on advertising (of the action or the product itself). Especially with a company like Hugo Boss, which invades the public space of Madrid , without asking the appropriate permissions and without regard to rules on advertising in public space.
Well, finally, I have not talked about the work of Kaisin in Brussels. I believe that everything that promotes the improvement (at least temporarily) in a hard place is welcome. I also think that Kaisin has taken advantage of this opportunity to do what he wanted, and have a different message: sed Inmagine and see the 'junk' with other eyes .
Well, finally, I have not talked about the work of Kaisin in Brussels. I believe that everything that promotes the improvement (at least temporarily) in a hard place is welcome. I also think that Kaisin has taken advantage of this opportunity to do what he wanted, and have a different message: sed Inmagine and see the 'junk' with other eyes .
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