Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Need The Newest Proxies

Nieto Pro José Angel

Our good friend Shirley Carrillo, is in need of your help and your little José Angel has an urgent need that if you put a grain of sand on our part can help to resolve it.

For that, this brotherhood of chefs has been formed from the case of Carlos Garcia's father, has decided again make a dinner on Monday 03 pro bottoms and on Tuesday 04 August in Caracas.

They can also double-click on the picture to have complete information.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pilladas En La Calle Full Movie

Funds Certification Course Pan American Forum Professional Culinary Associations

During the days 22 and 23 June, we had the honor and pleasure for the completion of the Certificate Course in Management, sponsored by the Pan American Forum & Professional Culinary Associations Asochefs Venezuela, to have as a Pastry Chef Instructor at Basteguieta Otoniel Castro, a certified International Instructor.

Othniel, Guatemala, came to serve as facilitator in this course, which provided much more than required by the Forum and is a summary of his success as a business owner chain Tulips in Guatemala City. His people skills and experience allow you to communicate your knowledge in an environment without a doubt excellent.

This program is allowing us a number of professionals in Venezuela, making the International Certification under the auspices of Asochefs Venezuela. At this time we are five professionals in the country (Nora Muñoz, María Elena Conde, Yelitza Acosta, Sergio Arango and Freddy Muñoz-Aguiar) we have completed all required courses are:
  • Health and Food Handling (HACCP)
  • Science and Art of Culinary Preparations
  • Nutrition and Dietetics for Chefs
  • Management
We thank you from this space to Asochefs Venezuela for having supported this certification and of course all the FPACP facilitators devoted to this country.